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Robert Auer

Director Global Business Development at TDM Systems GmbH

Robert is an experienced and dedicated Global Manufacturing Consultant with a passion for Intercultural Excellence. As the Director Global Business Development at TDM Systems GmbH, he brings a wealth of experience to the manufacturing industry.

He’s committed to driving positive change and fostering innovation and collaboration towards a smarter manufacturing future. Optimizing processes along the entire end-to-end manufacturing process through innovative software integrations is his passion; tool data management alongside this process is his profession.

With a profound background in software engineering, automation, and manufacturing technology, Robert enjoys working with high-end, international companies as well as mom-and-pop shops in many corners of the world.

Working with diverse teams across the globe, and having worked and lived in the U.S., Europe, and Asia, He’s a proud advocate of intercultural collaboration, demonstrating deep passion for fostering unity and efficiency as well as culture awareness, he’s an advocate for harmonious global progress through dynamic collaborative endeavors.

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